We are now in the process of installing a new working culture which will ‘stick’.
The key question is - what are the basic needs that must be met for individuals and teams to perform at their best? The analysis of ‘what is needed’ goes hand-in-hand with an understanding of ‘what is missing’. This will enable us to choose the solution and the format that will bring the best possible results to organisations. In our experience with many businesses the most acute issue companies face - and will continue to face - is the mental well-being of staff members.

Mental qualities like flexibility, agility and resilience are now highly valued but, on the other side of the coin, staff members report an increase in both negative mental and physical symptoms related to poor mental well-being.
Symptoms of stress range from a ‘lack of concentration’ to ‘back pain’. The relationship between symptoms and mental health are not always clear. The cost of poor mental well-being manifested through symptoms like procrastination or back pain is big, and yet it's existence is
difficult to measure and, for that reason, it is not dealt with. ‘Well-being’ as a management tool is still nascent, but I am enlightened that employers are beginning to focus more attention in this area.
Finnmotion offers a solution to prevent not only physical symptoms like back pain but also over time builds a deeper understanding of the underlying relationship between physical and mental well-being. It delivers a framework within which management can help people tackle the more complex issues. After all it is simple - as understanding leads to greater confidence, motivation, concentration and productivity.
Finnmotion pilot workshops will give you a taster of how this could happen by sharing simple exercises, talking about their experiences and performing them together. (This is not to be confused with traditional exercises).
What makes the programme unique is the way it, over a longer period of time, builds a deeper understanding of the underlying relationship between physical and mental well-being. This is where we see the most valuable benefits for the organisations.
The new hybrid working model raises questions about the impact of being physically or mentally present or distant. We have designed our services to be equally effective for those working at home or working in the office. These are issues that we must continually assess and analyse.
We as people, can decide how the future world looks like. It is time to trust individuals and give them tools to independently assess and correct their posture and well-being on a daily basis.
Independence, freedom and autonomy are qualities of Finland. This is one of the leading countries in the world in work well-being.
It has proven how substantial savings can be achieved simply by preventing bad habits from developing. New positive habits can be implanted. They should not be more complex than our daily rituals of cleaning one's teeth and drinking water.
As always it is not what we know but how we can use the knowledge for our benefit.
There is a lot to learn and that is why we are inspired and dedicated to be at your service.
Kind regards
Marja Putkisto
Inquiries: marja.putkisto@methodputkisto.com